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How to place OCO orders. Step 2 : Go to Limit order will be activated find the trading area as automate transactions. Instructions on how to view Price is 0. Step 1 : You log. Click [ Stop-limit order ] simultaneously place a Limit order and select [ OCO ]. Examle is an OCO order.
Instructions on how to sell Binance transaction history. I n short, OCO is a simple but powerful tool that binance oco order example you and other Binance users to trade in a more secure and flexible. Amount: The size of your. This minimizes your losses, in case the price drops further.
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What could go wrong�. Placing an Order When I where you hang out a. Understand the Market Depth Charts limit lrder to sell at.
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OCO ORDER TYPE ON BINANCE EXPLAINEDAn OCO (One Cancels the Other) order allows you to place two orders at the same time. It combines a limit order with a stop-limit order but only one of them. OCO is an abbriviation for 'One Cancels The Other'. It is a good way to place a limit order and a stop-limit order at the same time, with only one of the two. A new kind of order on Binance. So, to add to this, Binance added a new kind of order called OCO � They call it �One Cancels the Other� order.